The Photo Issue 2007

  • Enrique Metinides Is Our New Favorite Photographer

    He photographed crime scenes in Mexico City for 50 years. How did we not know about this guy until now? Here, Metinides talks to Vice about his life and his work. Imagine if he was your grandpa

  • Willa & Sachi Nasatir

    This is Alexa. Last year we went to the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston for a summer high school program. I'm 16. We were just hanging out in the park that day and I took a photo of her wearing my sunglasses. My friend had stolen a bunch of...

  • Gavin Watson

    KELLEY"I first met Kelley in 1983 at an 18th birthday party. She was the only punk there and I was the only skinhead. Everybody else looked like Kevs and Norms so it was love at first

  • Kakaibang Eba

    These lovely ladies from the Philippine island of Cebu are named Ping Ping, Booba, Paige, Nicksie, and Candy. They are performers in the "Amazing Philippine Show," a hugely popular theatrical variety revue full of all kinds of razzle-dazzle, including...

  • Spike Jonze

    This is Mark Gonzales doing an indie grab at a skate park in Tijuana. This was a supersketchy spot in a bad neighborhood. There were all these rumors that cops would show up there and you would have to pay them a bribe or get arrested. We'd driven to...

  • The Girls Of "shot By Kern"

    Photos by Richard Kern

  • Carolin Leszczinski

    This is from many years ago. I always photographed this boy because he looked so great and he would do whatever I wanted. We went to school together in Amsterdam. Afterward I went to visit him in Pennsylvania and I stayed with him at his parents' house...

  • Ryan Foerster

    I went to Melbourne last year for an art show. I didn't know many people there. I met Ana and Hanna and we became really good friends. This was at my pre-birthday-party party-just the three of us naked, having a sand-throwing contest. They let me stay...

  • Wrestlers Of The Congo

    In the Congo, wrestling is just as popular as it is in America. The main difference between wrestling in the US and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is that the Congolese like to introduce a mystical, magical "voodoo" element to the pantomime. So...

  • My Little Dead Dick

    My Little Dead Dick is the visual diary of two photographers, she from China and he from the USA. They got together on July 17, 2006, when they both traveled to Macau in order to meet face-to-face after a month of intense internet correspondence...

  • The Student Army Of Burma

    A few years ago I lived in one of the ABSDF's seven military camps along the Thai/Indonesian/ Chinese border. The All Burma Students' Democratic Front are a student army fighting for democracy in their home nation. They formed in November of 1988

  • Lads On Patrol

    My photos follow the daily lives of British Army soldiers living in a UK bubble in the middle of the desert. They are stationed in the Helmand district of Afghanistan, which is at the heart of the conflict between the Taliban and the West