This story is over 5 years old.


Vikings Sex Boat Captain Fred Smoot Does AMA

Fred Smoot, of Vikings Sex Boat fame, did an AMA on Reddit and his responses were positively Smootian.

About get on Reddit
— Fred Smoot (@Fsmoot21SeanT) January 29, 2014

Fred Smoot is doing another Reddit AMA in order to promote his podcast and he is doing a very good job! Smoot answered a number of questions, ranging from most memorable moments to his reaction to Gregg Williams cursing like a sailor in a team meeting. Smoot, you might recall, caused waves with his participation in the Vikings Sex Boat Scandal in 2005, which lead to this description in the criminal complaint: "Was seen holding a double-headed dildo and moving the dildo while each end was inserted into the vagina of two women who were lying on the floor near the lounge area of the charter boat."


Back to present day, where we have some more tales of ribaldry. First up: biggest perk of NFL facilities? Sub question: is it the blowjob girl?

OK. Probably the blowjob girl. Good to know. We reached out to NFL Spokesman Greg Aiello to see if this is a league-wide position, or up to the discretion of the individual team.

@gregaiello Do you know if every team has a blowjob girl, or is it a team-by-team thing?
— Sean Newell (@dontforgetmac) June 29, 2015

We will update accordingly.

Smoot was also asked who was the funniest guy he played with (apart from himself).

OK. That second part seems confusing and unnecessary, but more information is always better than less. What about that Gregg Williams speech, though? Was that crazy or what, Smoot?

This again seems to verge on oversharing, but knowledge is the lifeblood of…life. And it often leads to follow up questions, like does Fred Smoot love Gregg Williams enough to go on a boat ride with him? Which brings to mind another follow up question.

This has been great fun and truly illuminating, but can we get a football question in?