This story is over 5 years old.


Nigeria Fashion Week

Fabulosity in Africa's capital of chaos.

Nigeria is an endemically corrupt yet God-fearing nation, financially exploited by its mega rich pastors. It's a nation on the cusp of outlawing homosexuality, but enforcing a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, with numerous celebrities in the public eye out-gaying anyone the US could throw at them. Nigerians earn on average less than $2 a day, despite the country's industrial capital city Lagos being more expensive than Moscow, with an elite glitterati popping bottles to afrobeat all around Victoria Island.


Which brings us to Nigerian Fashion Week. When we visited, it was toting its eighth excursion as the “Going Green” Fashion Week, in one of the most polluted and congested cities in the world, where you have to add two hours onto any normal journey time to account for the horrendous traffic. It would be quicker to get out and walk, unless you’re a foreigner, aka free money beacon, for an array of scams and muggings you only have cough loud enough to attract.