This story is over 5 years old.


Livestream: Watch Julian Assange's (Potential) Great Escape

h5. ^Will Oliver/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images^ After a bit of waffling, Ecuador has officially "granted Julian Assange asylum":
Will Oliver/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Update: The first stream we had up went down. I’ve swapped it with another that’s more mobile, but a lot blurrier. I’m looking for something better, but if you’ve got alternatives, please share in the comments.

After a bit of waffling, Ecuador has officially granted Julian Assange asylum. Britain says its going to arrest him anyway, which apparently could include drastic measures like axing Ecuador’s embassy’s immunity.


Here’s what England has to say:

U.K. authorities are under binding obligation to extradite him to Sweden," the ministry said in a statement posted to Twitter. "We shall carry out that obligation. The Ecuadorian government’s decision this afternoon does not change that.

In any case, Assange is going to have a lot of trouble making an escape: first, he needs to get out of the embassy and presumably into a car, where he’ll have to race across the city Ronin-style to catch a plane somewhere, somehow. That’s not to say the stakes aren’t high; Assange is allegedly worried that, should he be extradited to Sweden to face rape charges, he’d end up getting shipped to the U.S., where his head is still wanted over WikiLeaks. At this point, Assange’s only hope is Jean Reno.

Meanwhile, back in the U.S., the government is keeping the legal proceedings of alleged leaker Bradley Manning super secret. So one of them is leaking on them.

Follow Derek Mead on Twitter: @derektmead.