Angry Virginia Dancer Loses Dance-Off to Some Middle-Aged Hack


This story is over 5 years old.


Angry Virginia Dancer Loses Dance-Off to Some Middle-Aged Hack

A woman dances true to herself and loses a dance-off to some hack goofball doing the robot. It is an outrage.

The University of Virginia released a highlight video of the top plays of the week yesterday and No. 3 on the list was a recent dance-off at a Cavaliers basketball game. Two dancers entered, and one John Q. Public emerged victorious. It's easy to see how the judges were duped—the guy is goofy and dancing like white folks do, he did the robot and the old fish-and-reel-'em-in gambit—but he should not have won. The loser, a female student with unquantifiable ferocity, was jobbed.

I don't care what the other guy was doing; it's irrelevant. Don't smile at the camera and try to charm the judges with nostalgia and a phony good-natured disposition. Don't offer them Kool-Aid and the false hope that everything will be OK. We live in turbulent times, and this should be about conveying true emotion through dance. It should be real, and this girl is real as fuck.

Someone go start a petition and fix this, dammit.

h/t WaPo