This story is over 5 years old.


Straight Fyre for Two Hours, But With Mechs

What could possibly go wrong?
Billy McFarland and Ja Rule bumping fists in a happier moment.
Still from 'Fyre' courtesy of Netflix

'Sup fam, the Waypointers are on their way to Fyre to check out the hottest new music festival on Pablo Escobar's private island! Seems like it's going to be lit! The top models and musical acts in the world (Blink-182 is supposed to be there!) in a tropical paradise? With no infrastructure for a festival? Or accommodations for thousands of important guests like us? Count us all the way in!

We hope you'll join Patrick, Danielle, Natalie, Austin, and Rob on their astonishing journey through the tragicomic new Fyre Festival documentary from Netflix. Every time they think they've covered everything, Natalie remembers some fresh horror. Meanwhile, Patrick is intrigued by the notion that Bad NFL Officiating Is Good, Actually. Finally, Austin has mixed feelings about gen:LOCK, the new military mech series from Rooster Teeth, produced by and starring Michael B. Jordan along with an unbelievably strong cast. Perhaps Austin is just being too picky about his preferred thematic devices, however, because Rob and Patrick are all amazement.

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