Nigel Hayes, You Can't Fool Us


This story is over 5 years old.


Nigel Hayes, You Can't Fool Us

We're not buying that Wisconsin basketball player Nigel Hayes "accidentally" called a woman beautiful in a press conference

I'm onto you Nigel Hayes. Because you see, those of us who have game recognize game. So congratulations for fooling everybody. But you didn't fool me. I know what you're up to. You're using the old "innocent guy who accidentally called a woman beautiful in public" tactic. It's textbook. It's one of the oldest tricks in the book. Yet played correctly, it works so well. And you pulled it off, so kudos. Those of us who have game must congratulate those who pull off game well. We're not haters here at VICE Sports.

What's the result? Everybody now feels sorry for you for "embarrassing" yourself in public, and even worse, for "embarrassing" yourself in front of the woman you thought was beautiful. So your only recourse now is to apologize to said beautiful woman, who probably feels a bit of sympathy for you, and is probably even a bit flattered that you thought she was beautiful. But your goal all along was to find a way to talk to her anyway.

And what better way to get into her good graces that than to state your feelings in front of millions of people? It shows you're a strong, yet, sensitive man; the kind of man a beautiful woman would probably want to bring home to meet the family.

So now you've done it. You have all of America rooting for you in your quest to talk to this beautiful woman. Well played.

And you clinched the whole thing by hiding your face with your hands as if you were dying of embarrassment. That might have been overkill though. You can ruin good game with overkill. But you got away with it. And we here at VICE Sports salute you for it.