This story is over 5 years old.


Watch a Harlem Globetrotter Hit a Shot From a Helicopter

Bull Bullard from way... Uptown?
Captura de pantalla Harlem Globetrotters YouTube

Talk about a high release point, amirite? The Harlem Globe Trotters are making their way to Wildwood, NJ, and wanted to implement all of the boardwalk city's local flair to promote their appearance. So they rented a helicopter, loaded it up with Globetrotter Bull Bullard and what must have been a million basketballs, and went to town on a bucket 210 feet below.

The way they cut this video, it seems like Bullard pulled it off in one silky go. (Also, him palming the ball out of the open side gives me the nerves—not to mention how loose that seat belt is.) But in all likelihood, this took a good dozen attempts before slotting it in. You can hear the 'are we there yet' kind of tone in the pilot's voice as he asks, "you made it?" The pilot might not be a super patient kind of dude, but that's all fine and good. This is a helicopter shot. And Bullard made it.

I just feel bad for the Washington Generals (now the World All-Stars), who now have yet another way to lose to the Harlem Globetrotters.