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Trump’s VP Pick Doesn’t Think Politicians Should be ‘Name Calling’ Each Other

Apparently Pence doesn't follow his running mate on Twitter.
Photo via Wikimedia Commons.

Mike Pence is running as Donald Trump's vice presidential candidate, but apparently he's never met the man, or seen him give an interview, or heard him speak, or followed him on Twitter. That could be the only possible explanation for the remarks the VP hopeful made to conservative talk radio host Hugh Hewitt on his show Friday. It was there, live on air, without a trace of irony, that Pence said "I don't think name calling has any place in public life."


As Politico reports, the head-scratching quote was a reaction to President Obama's headlining DNC speech Wednesday night, specifically the part where he indirectly called Trump a demagogue. "Anyone," Obama said, "who threatens our values, whether fascists, or communists, or jihadists, or homegrown demagogues, will always fail in the end." "I thought that was unfortunate that the president of the United States would use a term like that," Pence said of the word "demagogues," selectively forgetting the laundry list of terms his running mate has used for his opponents over the course of this long election—"Crooked Hillary [Clinton]," "Corrupt [Tim] Kaine," "Little Marco [Rubio]," "Little Michael Bloomberg," "Lyin' Ted [Cruz]," "Crazy Bernie [Sanders]," "Pocahontas [Elizabeth Warren]," and "Low Energy Jeb [Bush]."

Shortly after Pence voiced his opinion on how well mannered politicians should be, his running mate went on a Twitter rampage blasting his political rivals, many of whom he's given derogatory nicknames to. The short fingered vulgarian bashed Clinton and Bloomberg, and went so far as to chastise four-star Marine general John Allen who, in his DNC speech Thursday, questioned whether Trump had what it took to become Commander in Chief.

Maybe, now that the conventions are over, Pence could introduced himself to his would-be boss.

Read: Mike Pence, Trump's VP Pick, Is Pretty Damn Homophobic