human rights violations

  • A New App Will Help Flight Attendants Report Human Trafficking

    The app allows airline workers to upload video footage of suspected trafficking cases and gives the humanitarian group Airline Ambassadors a way to count the number of tips reported to the DHS.

  • Tour Buses to Sri Lanka's Battlefields

    Driven by morbid curiosity, the island’s majority population is returning to the battlefields of its recently concluded civil war by the busload. And the regime—which stands accused of war crimes—is doing everything it can to whitewash history.

  • I Was Tortured in Sri Lanka for Harboring Tamils

    They used iron girders and PVC piping filled with sand and dirt. It hurts like hell, but it doesn't leave marks. That was the first time I've ever been beaten in my entire life.

  • Leave Your Rights at the Door if You Visit a Romanian Police Station

    The majority of abuses take place during a statutory procedure stipulated extensively in the 31st paragraph of the Romanian Law for Police. The problem is that in the document the escorted individual's rights aren't as clearly stated as the police...

  • Bahrain’s PR Campaign Is Doomed to Fail

    Bahrain could solve its image problem by welcoming reform and not committing gross human rights violations. But clearly that’s not on the table, so the repressive regime is spending millions on PR and inviting journalists to its brand new Formula...
