
  • Killing Time in Kandahar (Part 5 of 5)

    VICE News embedded with the Afghan National Army in Kandahar for their first

  • Fighting Season in Kandahar

    Springtime starts with a bang in Afghanistan, as it marks the start of the fighting season between the Taliban and Afghan security forces. For the first time in 12 years, the Afghan National Army has to operate without its American allies.

  • Fighting Season in Kandahar

    Springtime starts with a bang in Afghanistan, as it marks the start of the fighting season between the Taliban and Afghan security forces. For the first time in 12 years, the Afghan National Army has to operate without its American allies.

  • Fighting Season in Kandahar

    Springtime starts with a bang in Afghanistan, as it marks the start of the fighting season between the Taliban and Afghan security forces. For the first time in 12 years, the Afghan National Army has to operate without its American allies.

  • Fighting Season in Kandahar

    In part 2, several months have passed. Gelareh returns to Camp Hero to meet up with the 205th Corps at the peak of the fighting season.

  • Killing Time in Kandahar (Part 4 of 5)

    We traveled to Kandahar to see how the ANA, the police, and ordinary Afghans are dealing with this turning point in a very long war.