
  • Kidnapped and Sold: Libya's Migrant Trade (Part 2)

    In part two of a two-part series, VICE News speaks to migrants and refugees rounded up by a militia in Tripoli, before returning to another militia camp to speak to a young Eritrean migrant who calls upon the United Nations for help.

  • Detained by Militias: Libya's Migrant Trade (Part 1)

    In part one of a two-part series, VICE News examines how Libya is struggling with the migrant crisis, where state-run detention centers are overcrowded and violent, and how government immigration controls are outsourced to militias.

  • Migrants Seeking 'German Life' Are Not Refugees, Says Hungary PM

    Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban claimed that thousands of people trying to seek sanctuary in Europe should be seen as immigrants, not as refugees, as he also rejected planned migrant quotas.
