OJ Simpson

  • Should We Televise the Trials of Famous Murderers?

    The press is eagerly awaiting its chance to get cameras inside the trial of the man charged with shooting 12 people in Aurora, Colorado, in 2012, but the families of victims say the media attention will only cause them unneeded pain.

  • True Crime Shit

    Aileen Wuornos was a serial killer who murdered seven men while working as a prostitute. You already know that because Charlize Theron won an Oscar for playing her in a movie. These are the prison-issue panties Wuornos wore while awaiting execution in...

  • OJ Simpson: 20 Years Since the Bizarre Low-Speed Bronco Chase

    It's the 20th anniversary of life crashing an NBA Finals party. At the time, the OJ Simpson trial seemed to put basketball into perspective. Now, it's not so clear.