
  • China's Baby Hatches Are Getting Clogged

    A baby hatch in Guangzhou received 260 babies, or about six a day, over the course of two months. Now, the orphanage to which the baby hatch is attached is over capacity and won't be accepting any more.

  • Photographing the Sewer People of Bucharest

    Two years ago, photographer Jen Tse went to Bucharest, Romania, to document the people who have been living desperate lives in the city's sewer system since being forced underground by severe poverty.

  • Horrible People Are Exploiting Cambodia's Orphans

    Once upon a time, long before Angelina Jolie got a mastectomy, she adopted a Cambodian child. As a result, privileged Westerners of all nationalities flocked to the country's orphanages in the hope of simultaneously nurturing a child and their own...