
  • Keeping Kosher in Ghana Means Bringing Your Own Killing Knife

    One day, as three friends and I were staying in Ghana, we thought some fresh goat meat might hit the spot. Luckily, a member of our party grew up on a back-to-the-land hippie farm that followed kosher practices, and had brought his special slaughtering...

  • The Happiest Pigs Live on a Diet of Muesli and Fresh Air

    Recently, I joined some of Berlin's culinary luminaries to embark on the necessary first step of the Schlachtfest—a traditional German feast that revolves around the slaughter of a farm animal.

  • How a Pig Farmer Taught Me to Respect Her Pork

    Commercial slaughterhouses aren’t that keen on wafty ex-vegetarian writers coming down to see kill their pigs, but Anna Longthorp—one of Yorkshire's few female pig farmers—invited me to see everything, from birth to bacon.

  • Keep It Canada: New Brunswick

    Matty heads to New Brunswick to hang out with his friend/spirit animal, Chef Jesse Vergen. The two hit the driving range, dig into caviar production, and make a lamb feast for Matty's mom.

  • Best Of 2014: Meet Your Meat

    There's no easy way around it: Eating meat involves killing an animal. We looked at several sides of that potentially hazardous moral quandary this year—and every one of them had a face.

  • Should We Tune In to the Sound of Turkeys Being Slaughtered?

    Controversy has erupted in the UK over whether a radio station should auction off the lives of—and slaughter on air—a pair of adorable turkeys named Sage and Onion.