The Photo Issue 2007

  • Wrestlers Of The Congo

    In the Congo, wrestling is just as popular as it is in America. The main difference between wrestling in the US and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is that the Congolese like to introduce a mystical, magical "voodoo" element to the pantomime. So...

  • Damiano Nava

    This girl's name is Florinda. I met her in Bologna at a 24-hour cigarette dispenser. The machine had just stolen her money. We started talking, one thing led to another, and we went for dinner the next night. I took this picture at her house, but...

  • Inside Pyongyang

    Getting into North Korea was one of the hardest and weirdest processes Vice has ever dealt with. After we went back and forth with their representatives for months, they finally said they were going to allow 16 journalists into the country to...

  • Isabella Rozendaal

    Friendship is very important to me. These photos are all of my good friend Wyne Veen. Wyne was in most of my photos for a long time for obvious reasons: She was always around and she is quite pretty. She looks good with or without clothes. This is a...

  • Willa & Sachi Nasatir

    This is Alexa. Last year we went to the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston for a summer high school program. I'm 16. We were just hanging out in the park that day and I took a photo of her wearing my sunglasses. My friend had stolen a bunch of...

  • Ryan Foerster

    I went to Melbourne last year for an art show. I didn't know many people there. I met Ana and Hanna and we became really good friends. This was at my pre-birthday-party party-just the three of us naked, having a sand-throwing contest. They let me stay...

  • Gavin Watson

    KELLEY"I first met Kelley in 1983 at an 18th birthday party. She was the only punk there and I was the only skinhead. Everybody else looked like Kevs and Norms so it was love at first

  • Russian Roulette

    Starting in the 80s, AIDS hit the United States and Europe in two waves. First came the actual disease, the thing you can get that kills you dead. Then came the massive piles of info, stats, debate, and talk. Almost two decades later, we challenge you...

  • Us And Them

    This photo story is all about the complex relationship that people have with animals. It's about how animals become consumer products for people, objects for medical research to benefit humanity, and also how we use them for love and affection

  • Holy Heroin

    There are about 6,000 junkies living in East Jerusalem, the area Israel captured (or recaptured) from Jordan during the Six-Day War. Unlike the rest of the West Bank, the Palestinian Authority has no control over the region, which has resulted in more...

  • Maras: America's Future

    On the morning of August 15, 2005, jailed members of the Mara Salvatrucha gang threw three grenades, smuggled in by prison guards, into a dormitory housing members of the Mara 18 at the El Hoyon prison in Escuintla, Guatemala. They then walked in and...