Voting Rights Act

  • Two High Schools in New York Are Accusing Each Other of Racism over a Basketball Game

    Rival high schools in New York State are beefing after a tightly contested playoff basketball game saw fights break out in the stands, racist tweets sent to players, students suspended, and school superintendents exchanging tersely worded public...

  • Dread Judges

    The Supreme Court is increasingly politicized and prone to making far-reaching rulings that negate laws passed by Congress. You can call the US a democracy if you like, but most of the important policy choices are made by an unelected council.

  • The Voting Rights Act Is a Mess, but We Still Need It

    The Supreme Court struck down Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act today on the grounds that while the South used to be hella racist back in the 60s, things are now way more chill, thanks in part to the VRA, so the law doesn't need to exist in its...
