
  • The New King of Coke (Part 4)

    In part four of the five-part series, VICE News meets foreigners who have served time in Peruvian prisons for drug trafficking, who are now stuck in Peru on parole.

  • The New King of Coke (Part 3)

    In part three of the five-part series, VICE News spends the night with a Peruvian cocaine producer as he cooks the drug in an underground lab in Lima.

  • The Global Centre of Coca: The New King of Coke – Part Two

    VICE News went to Peru's center of coca farming, the VRAE, to find out how the police and military are trying to stem the flow of cocaine production there through eradication and interdiction efforts.

  • The New King of Coke (Trailer)

    Peru is now the world's leading producer of cocaine. VICE News traveled there to find out how this new title is forcing the military to ramp up, and the government to crack down.

  • The Last Ever Interview with the Leaders of Peru's Shining Path Guerrilla Army

    Comrade Alipio and two other high-ranking soldiers of the Shining Path were killed this August when a cocaine trafficker turned police informant lured them into a booby-trapped brothel. In 2010, I was marched into Peru's jungle for a rare, and intimate...

  • States' Rights Cut Both Ways at the Supreme Court

    Some of you may grimace at the phrase “states’ rights”; a few of you, possibly wearing pointy white hoods, may be more inclined to pump your fists in the air; the rest of you are probably wondering what it means for states (as opposed to, you know...
