This story is over 5 years old.


The FAA is worried your Galaxy Note 7 will explode on a plane

When you board your next flight, please put your seat back in the upright position, buckle your seatbelt, and leave your potentially-explosive Samsung Galaxy Note 7 powered off and stowed away for the duration of your flight.

Galaxy Note 7s aren’t yet banned from flights, but in a statement released Wednesday by the Federal Aviation Administration, the agency said it “strongly advises passengers not to turn on or charge these devices on board aircraft and not to stow them in any checked baggage.”

Last week, Samsung issued a global recall of Note 7 smartphones, saying that at least a few dozen of them worldwide had begun exploding because of a battery issue.

It’s been a banner year for banned electronics on airplanes. This past holiday season, airlines and the FAA warned passengers not to bring hoverboard scooters aboard flights. In March, the Department of Transportation said that e-cigarettes (vapes) are prohibited on planes. Though the FAA hasn’t weighed in (yet) on Pokémon Go, Alaska Airlines suggested in July that customers avoid playing the game in airports or on planes to avoid tripping people or getting into confrontations with police.

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Furthermore, the company’s recall isn’t “official,” as it didn’t go through the U.S. Consumer Safety Product Commission, instead working solely with cell carriers and retailers. While some speculate that this could cause legal trouble down the line, the U.S. recall has been going okay so far. In Asia, however, misinformation from local Samsung officials has fouled up the recall process, and it’s unclear to consumers in places like Hong Kong where they can return their phones.