Trump Tower doorman says he heard Trump had a love child with a housekeeper

Trump Tower doorman says he heard Trump had a love child with a housekeeper

A New York City doorman has broken his silence about a rumor he sold for $30,000 in 2015 that never saw the light of day: President Trump, he heard, had a love child with his “former housekeeper” in the 1980s.

Dino Sajudin, who used to work at Trump Tower, was paid $30,000 by the National Enquirer for a tip about the alleged love child — a tip the paper never published, according to reports from The Associated Press and The New Yorker. The story is now the third reported instance of people with claims about the president’s infidelities being paid for their silence.

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Sajudin released a statement after the stories broke Thursday acknowledging that he had a confidentiality agreement with American Media Inc., the Enquirer’s parent company. Sajudin’s agreement with AMI was reportedly amended in December 2016 to say that he could talk about the rumor, just not his agreement with the publisher.

He also let slip something more about the woman’s alleged identity.

Sajudin claimed that he was told “not to criticize President Trump’s former housekeeper due to a prior relationship she had with President Trump which produced a child.” It’s the most we’ve heard about the woman, who denied the rumor when contacted by reporters.

The Associated Press and The New Yorker also spoke to current and former AMI employees about Sajudin’s story. The employees claim that Michael Cohen, Trump’s personal lawyer whose office was raided by the FBI this week, was in contact with AMI executives while reporters were working on the story. Employees suspect that Cohen came to an agreement with executives to squash the story. Employees also say they were told to stop pursuing it.

Read more: The National Enquirer paid a Trump Tower doorman for a love-child rumor in 2015 but dropped the story

Federal prosecutors issued a warrant this week for communications between Trump and top employees at AMI, several of whom are personal friends with Trump.

Sajudin’s the third potentially damaging story about Trump that Cohen appears to have played a part in silencing and the second involving AMI. Former Playboy model Karen McDougal is suing AMI for the rights to her story about an affair with Trump that she sold for $150,000. McDougal claims that Cohen was secretly involved in the deal-making process to kill the piece. Cohen also paid porn star Stormy Daniels $130,000 — he claims in his own personal cash — in exchange for her silence about an alleged sexual encounter with Trump.

Cover image: President Donald Trump participates in a meeting on trade with governors and members of Congress at the White House on April 12, 2018 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Chris Kleponis – Pool/Getty Images)