This story is over 5 years old.


Thousands Attend Pro-Putin Rally: Moscow's Anti-Maidan March

VICE News was in Moscow on February 21 to witness tens of thousands of Russians protesting in support of a unified Russian Federation and against any possible Orange Revolution in their country.

Bikers, teachers, teenagers, veterans, and pro-Vladimir Putin political organizations from all over Russia gathered February 21 in downtown Moscow to mark the one-year anniversary of what they see as a bloody coup of the Yanukovych regime in Ukraine.

The rally, which referenced the iconic Euromaidan protests last year in Kiev, were partly organized by Alexander Zaldostanov, the leader of Russia's Night Wolves biker gang and public ally of Putin.

VICE News was in Moscow to witness tens of thousands of Russians protesting in support of a unified Russian Federation and against any possible Orange Revolution in their country.

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